The best of Hustler and the genius of Larry Flynt combine to bring you the Hustler Magazine Fiftieth Anniversary Volume. Celebrating Hustler’s history and showcasing Larry Flynt as a champion of free speech through his ingenious magazine, Hustler’s 50th anniversary volume is an entertaining look back and provocative look at what lies ahead.
In the summer of 1974, HUSTLER Magazine burst onto the scene, revolutionizing American self-expression and expanding the parameters of free speech. Founded by the audacious and controversial Larry Flynt, HUSTLER pushed cultural boundaries with bold photography and magazine design and provocative social commentary. This illustrated coffee table book celebrates HUSTLER’s 50-year journey from a modest niche-market newsletter to a cultural juggernaut. It explores Hustler’s influence on American society from the rock ‘n’ roll 1970s, to Falwell fundamentalism in the 1980s, to exposing hypocracy left and right in the 1990s, to the troubling two thousands, to the tumult of the twenty-teens, and right up to the gender-bending present.
Revisit the magazine’s most notorious highlights, including the groundbreaking Jackie O edition in 1975 and the Supreme Court showdown with Jerry Falwell in 1983. Examine the unforgettable covers—such as the infamous “Meat Grinder” cover of 1978—that pushed boundaries and sparked conversations, becoming vanguards of free speech. Beyond the amazing photography, discover thought-provoking articles by the likes of Charles Bukowski and Timothy Leary, which solidified HUSTLER as more than just memorable pictures but a platform for meaningful discourse.
Explore Larry Flynt’s fearless Publisher Statements, which, during the conservative waves of the Reagan and Clinton eras, boldly exposed the hypocrisies and moral failings of politicians. HUSTLER transcended traditional journalism, becoming an unconventional voice for free speech and accountability.
The book exemplifies HUSTLER’s pioneering role in the evolution of cultural mores, how the company led the industry by pivoting to the Internet, capitalizing on its democratizing power of to build an online business, and reshaping the magazine industry for a new era. Celebrate features like “Beaver Hunt,” which challenged beauty standards and empowered everyday women, and ring true to Flynt’s irreverent style.
Join us in unraveling the layers of creativity, controversy, and profound significance that have defined HUSTLER from its inception to its status as an iconic institution. This book is a tribute to a publication that has defied societal norms, influenced American culture, and remained unapologetically bold for 50 years.